About Me

Welcome to my website!

I’m so glad you are interested in essential oils!  I wish everyone could have the opportunity to use these amazing God-given plants and oils to take care of their families.   What a blessing to have a natural alternative without harmful chemicals.

So how did I get started down this journey myself?  Well, a few years back, I had a series of really bad reactions to some medicines and antibiotics.  I mean, I’ve had a issues over the years from time to time like medicines keeping me up at night, nausea, headaches, dizziness, drowsiness or just that “medicine head” we can all experience.  But what put me over the edge was taking some antibiotics that threw me into a lupus-like reaction.  I got to the point where I could barely walk and needed help even feeding myself.  My doctor finally figured out what was going on and we spent the next year detoxing my body from the medicines and reaction.  (Let me take this opportunity to say how thankful I was and am for my physician!  We are very thankful for our medical community and all they do to try to improve our lives!)

Fast forward to my next illness where I still hadn’t given up on all drugs all the time.  Again, my body could not handle what I was taking (this time for Bronchitis), so I gave up and called a “natural” friend and asked her what I could do to get over my illness.  She gave me wonderful suggestions, and sure enough, I got over my sickness with flying colors, using only natural remedies.  This for me was quite a big deal because I was like a walking “OTC pharmacist”.  I was the one my family members would call to find out what over-the-counter drugs they could take for their symptoms!

About this same time, I heard about Young Living Essential Oils.  My first reaction was, “What the heck is an essential oil and what am I supposed to do with an “oil”?  The more I learned, the more I thought, “I think there really is something to these….”.  Then after I learned about the science behind the oils, how they heal your body down to the cellular level, and heard amazing testimony after testimony of healing, I was hooked.

I signed up right away and received my Premium Started Kit.  Back then, it cost $150 and included 9 essential oils.  That was it and I thought that was a pretty good deal.  (I mean, each 5ml bottle contained about 80-90 drops of oil and you only need a drop or 2 at a time, right?)  Now the Premium Starter Kit is only $15 more but includes 12 essential oils AND a beautiful DIFFUSER for your home.  Whaat?  I paid around $75 for my diffuser alone!  Now that’s a GREAT deal!

Since that first purchase of my Premium Starter Kit (and the other products I added to my order that I knew we had to have), we have been able stay above the wellness line with oils!  Who would have thunk it?  No more adverse reactions to all those toxic chemicals!  I can’t tell you how much these oils and this journey has changed our lives. And our home smells amazing!

I am so thankful for Gary Young bringing the use of essential oils to America so many years ago.  Other countries have used essential oils since the dawn of time, and us pill-popping Americans are finally catching up and learning from these other wonderful cultures.  I’ve always thought, God made us, God made these plants and He’s given us all we need.  I’m also so thankful for the pain-staking process Young Living goes to to ensure the purest, unadulterated, not watered down, highest quality of oil in the world.

So that’s my story!  My hope is that you and your family would be as blessed as my family and I have been through the use of these amazing oils and this journey of health and happiness.  Thanks for taking time to read this and please let me know if I can answer any questions or be of help to you in any way!

God’s Blessings,  Barb